「此時此刻,浩瀚的你」-蘇頤涵 2022 創作個展
This Moment, You Are Infinite -Sylph SU SOLO EXHIBITION
I seldom follow a certain rule when I’m doing my artworks. Sometimes there are images flashing into my mind first – images which are even blurred and lack of details – then I try to complete the picture through the work.
I always spent a whole afternoon sitting in front of the canvas, and after a few hours, the canvas was still blank. But what I have done was exploring the world inside my heart, collecting fragments from my life and dreams, then extracted some impressive moments from them. And my artworks were like a documentary of this exploration.
When I reviewed my series, I found that I am always trying to catch some touching moments: those moments when we realize how tiny we are in this big world, but how strong we can be. And these feelings, emotions and faiths make us infinite.
In the past, I tended to pursue answers and meanings behind things. Affected by the scientific education, I used to figure out answers through inference, hypothesis, or verification. But then I started to realize that there are countless things without answers, and meanings are not always necessary. Every moment we’d experienced, how we thought and how we felt during that moment, is the meaning for everything.
In my series, I transfer the Chinese character “人”to a bird icon. It symbolizes anyone in this world. We spread our wings, we fly, to the unknown future. We do our best to perceive every little thing and seize the day. At that moment, we can be infinite and eternal.
開幕時間 | 7.02 SAT. 15:00 展期|2022 6 .30 THU.- 7.31 SUN. 地點|藝星藝術 地址|台北市大安區敦化南路二段63巷53弄9號1F 交通|捷運信義安和2號出口 電話|02-3322-3052 時間|Tue. – Sun. 11:00 – 19:00 週一休館