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皇‧雷普耶 Juan Ripollès


1932 年出生

1932 年出生,是位國際知名的西班牙畫家。他的畫作常以兒童的眼光來觀察這個世界,使畫面呈現如兒童畫般的思維,透過義大利玻璃大師的巧妙詮釋之後,遂將藝術家充滿童趣的內韻融入水晶玻璃雕塑中,以活潑可愛的造型,活靈活現的將作品完整的呈現出來。由於每一件畫作只能製作成 6 件雕塑作品,以及每件雕塑皆以純手工拉塑而成,使每件玻璃作品均會產生差異性,因此,成就了獨一無二的精采佳作。皇‧雷普耶的作品中覽括了許多大師級的影子,如:畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)、米羅(Joan Miró)、夏卡爾(Marc Chagall)等人的神采,加上藝術家本身與眾不同的描繪手法,讓這些作品透過活躍的線條、繽紛的色彩,傳遞出讓人會心一笑的感染力,也體現了藝術家對於人生樂觀進取的態度。不論一雙雙會說話的大眼睛,種種生動逗趣的表情,或是擺出五花八門引人駐留的喜悅姿態,皆展現出純真中帶點幽默感的詼諧的氣氛,引導觀賞者進入藝術家的冒險旅行,像孩童一樣地反璞歸真,處處充滿驚奇。



 西班牙,Grenade 馬德拉皇宮

1990  瑞典斯德哥摩爾,Bosquet 藝廊,“90年藝術博覽會”

1992  瑞典斯德哥摩爾,西班牙藝術展

1993  荷蘭,Maastricht,“93年國際藝術博覽會”

1995  瑞士,Lausanne 奧林匹克博物館

1998  荷蘭,Alkmaar 柏林哥藝廊

2000  德國科隆,Fischerplatz 藝廊



2001  義大利威尼斯,“1990-2000, 十年玻璃藝術回顧展”

2002  西班牙卡斯提隆,Bellas Artes 博物館

2003  台灣新竹市,新竹市國際玻璃藝術節

2006  台灣新竹市,新竹市國際玻璃藝術節

2007  威尼斯雙年展大型裝置藝術




Juan Ripollés was born in September 1932 in Castellón, Valencia, in Spain, where he currently lives and works.  After a youthful period in Paris, he returned to Spain but occasionally he took study trips to Holland, Mexico and, once again, to France.  His artistic training could not avoid being compared to and influenced by one of the giants of 20th century art, Picasso.  Despite this, Ripollés found his own dreamy and ironic way to characterize the figures in his works.  His way of working looks at the figures of simple people, country folk; his is a popular art, one that is steeped in the pages of characters from Don Quixote della Mancha.  Juan Ripollés was initially closer to painting, creating highly imaginative and very successful works; next he made original engravings, developing new techniques.  Finally he discovered the world of sculpture and consequently that of glass.  The bronze and glass sculptures by this artist with his unmistakable signature communicate joy and fun.  They are works made with the heart and not with the brain, and all of them want to amuse and not get lost in vain intellectualisms.  The artist emphasizes his figures’ enormous heads set on miniscule bodies, underscoring the four senses that reside in the head: hearing, smell, taste and sight.  In short, the center of the human being is here; then the heart completes the poem.  The polyform and multi-colored creatures, the product of the master’s imagination, reflect Picasso’s instinctiveness and the linear grace of Matisse, preserving their originality and very personal interpretation, the result of a free expression.   The Valencia artist’s success has been confirmed by numerous prizes and the exhibitions in which he has taken part.  In particular, let us recall the Artes Plásticas Valencianas first prize in 2001 and his two most recent one-man shows held in Italy:  Juan Ripollés Homo Ludens (2007) in public spaces in Venice and Verona.


Selected Exhibition

1988  Madraza Palace, Grenade, Spain

1990  Art Fair ’90, Bosquet Gallery, Stockhold, Sweden

1992  Spanish Paviliion, Stockholm, Sweden

1993  The International Art Fair ’93, Maastricht, The Netherlands

1995  Paul Vallotton Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland

1998  Kunstbeurs Artiade, Berengo fine arts, Alkmaar, The Netherlands

2000  Kunst Koln, Fischerplatz Galerie, Koln, Germany Palacio del Almudin, Valencia, Spain

2001  Berengo Collection 1990-2000, Ten Years of Art in Glass, Palacio delle  Prigioni Nuove, Venice, Italy

2002  Museo de bellas artes, Berengo Collection, Castellon, Spain

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